Saturday, July 25, 2009

Simple Self Defense

The first tip I'd like to share with women or anyone for a self defense strategy is to keep things at their most simple and direct levels.

All too often, I'll look at a YouTube video or a self defense technique on a website and be staggered at the amount of information given, to apply a defense measure.

Here's some simple "day one" stuff:

1. If you are afraid of being attacked by someone - avoid them.

2. If you are afraid of being attacked somewhere - don't go there.

3. The best way to avoid being struck is not to be there (move your head, step aside).

4. The best way to avoid being grabbed is by rapidly moving the targeted area out of the way.

5. Resistance is NEVER futile - fighting back greatly increases odds of survival.

Back with more day one stuff in a bit!

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